Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Random thoughts

Today's been a very weird day, and I haven't been particularly motivated to write anything today. However, I told myself that I would write something everyday, so today will actually be a very short post. Most of today's frustration is caused by my general annoyance with this company I'm trying to get a job at. I'm at the last stage where they just need to make a decision. I rocked all the proofreading tests they gave me, and I think the interview went well, though it was the first real interview I've had so I can't really say for sure. Anyway, they had some problems with my initial references which delayed the process, so I gave them some extra references. And when I say I gave them extra references, I mean that for one of my old references, I gave them 2 additional ways to contact him, and for the two extra professors I gave them, I gave them email, office number, and office hours. There's no way that they couldn't have gotten in touch with them quickly. Yet, when I contacted them on Monday, they told me that they'd just contacted the last one and had made an information packet on me. Thus, they'd be able to make a decision early this week. Well, Wednesday has passed and still nothing. So frustrating!

Also, something fairly shocking happened to me that I'm not going to write about, but let's just say that I have a better appreciation of who my real friends are.

Anyway, since you don't have a post that'll take you an hour to read today, I'll post a few entertaining videos that some friends/dad have sent to me.

Trying to parallel park Blogspot is being annoying about posting videos and taking forever, so I'll try again tomorrow. Instead, I'll leave you with a list of some of my favorite daytime television shows.

No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain (Travel Channel)
How It's Made (History Channel)
Mike and Mike in the Morning (ESPN)
First Take (ESPN)
America's Next Top Model Marathons (VH1)
Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern (Travel Channel)
The Food Network
Anything on the Discovery Channel
Most things on the Learning Channel
Show Marathons on Bravo

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