Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Few Random Thoughts

I'm going to attempt to keep this post short by simply posting a few random thoughts.

First off, I don't know if you've ever seen Jon and Kate plus 8 (a show on TLC about couple with two sets of multiples, twins and sextuplets), but I've become somewhat addicted to it. The thought: Those are perhaps some of the cutest kids ever. Just makes me look forward to having kids myself one day. My enjoyment of this show also means that I may in fact be going crazy. This is what I'm subjecting myself to in order to pass the time. I think I need an unemployment intervention, preferably with a job offer.

Other random thought: Facebook has officially gone crazy. Originally, it was a pretty cool concept. Social networking site. Post informations and pictures about yourself. Look up your friends and use it as a way to keep in touch with them. Etc, Etc. However, things are beginning to get ludicrous. I mean, the applications are bad enough. People have become application addicts. I feel like every time I open up Facebook, it seems that my English cousin Josh has a new application. I have IRead and Happy Hour, and that's probably one too many. (Take a wild guess which application I am less likely to get rid of.) I am tempted to switch to Virtual Bookshelf, but I'm already invested in IRead, so no VB for me. I'm too chaste to go jumping from application to application. Also, those gifts. I mean, people actually pay a dollar a gift to give someone one of these egifts. You just paid one real dollar for one fake gift! If you really don't like your dollar, I'll take it off your hands. I'll make sure it sees a good home, possibly as a tip to a bartender. Oh, and the dating ads on the side. I know I'm single. It's what my relationship status says. Yes, it sucks. I'm still not going to click on that ad. The fact that you're shoving it in my face is pretty annoying. Not to mention that I highly doubt that the pretty girls that are in the ad photos are the same ones that I would actually be set up with. Also, for some odd reason, the ads are occasionally for homosexual males. While I appreciate that Facebook is looking out for the single male who says he is interested in Women, but in reality is just in the closest and looking for a gay lover, I'm not that guy. Just because I really like books and the arts, doesn't mean that I'm gay. That's stereotyping. Basically, stop giving me that dating ad. I don't like it.

However, today Facebook may have reached the pinnacle of lunacy. I was sent an email today saying that, and I quote, “Catherine just joined Facebook. You are getting notified of this because our "People You May Know" tool discovered you and Catherine both went to UVA. If you do know Catherine, check out the links below.” WTF, mate?!!!! Now, Catherine is someone I do actually know because we did several of the Spanish plays together. She's on Facebook. Cool. Those pictures of her daughter are adorable. However, it disturbs me that Facebook is taking it upon itself to tell me who I should be Facebook friends with. Their logic may be that because there is a chance that this person is my friend, I will want to be Facebook friends with them, but it's getting to the point where I feel like they are sort of invading my personal space. Let me decide who I want to be friends with. I think I'm old enough to handle that. I mean, it's bad enough that they have the “People you may know” thing when you go to your home page. More often than not, I have no fucking clue who that person is, and if I wanted to be friends with that person, I probably would have been already. On the other hand, it frequently serves as a reminder that my ex-girlfriend unfriended me on facebook. I mean, who does that?! The only person who I've ever unfriended is some guy who friended me because our names were incredibly similar, and I just tired of seeing info about someone I didn't even know. (He had a d added to the end of his name, and my last name is rare enough in the states that there's a really good chance we're related from somewhere.) Rumor has it that “she didn't want to hurt me” with information/pictures with her and her current boyfriend (who I guarantee is not as cool as me but whatever, if she's happy, then I'm happy for her. Sincerely). Regardless, I'm not 12, and we didn't have a fight. We didn't even have a minor tiff. Her name isn't Manzilla, and as long as that remains true, we're cool. (The story of Manzilla, my insane, first gf in college, will not be written about here for several reasons. However, I am comfortable telling the story in person and will gladly win the “Who has the craziest ex?” game.) We haven't talked in a while, but any of my good friends know that I'm just not the type of person who's going to constantly call and talk to even my best friends, let alone my ex in another city. We're friends in my book, and that's not going to change regardless of how often we talk. I think I can handle something like dating (especially since I know they've been dating since last summer). If anything would send me spiraling down into an alcohol-induced depression, it'd be my unemployment not a relationship that ended more than a year ago, and I don't see that happening anytime soon. Nope, just the normal, party and having a good time-induced drunkenness. Okay...that's enough venting. Facebook just needs to cut it out with the whole, let's see who has the most friends on Facebook game. I've already come to terms with the fact that I'll never win that game. Just let me stalk my old friends in peace. I don't need new friends to stalk unless I've hung out with them recently.

Okay, so maybe that post wasn't as short as I thought it was going to be, but oh wells. I'm nothing if not talkative.

Music listened to while writing this blog: Aerosmith-Greatest Hits

1 comment:

Alex said...

You MUST obey Mark Zuckerberg!

I am thinking of posting myself on FBook's new "You may know this person" functionality, and 253% increase in my FBook-stalking habits as a result.